
Friday 12 November 2010

3 Golden Rules That Helped When House Training My Puppy.

'I need help house training my puppy' is a familiar cry that anybody who trains dogs hears all of the time. In fact, it is probably the most common dog training issue. A dog owner might not care so much about having a dog that comes when it is called, but every new owner wants a puppy that is house trained - and fast!

When I was house training my puppy I realized that there were certain principles which were important to follow if the puppy was going to be potty trained quickly and easily, with minimum upset to the dog and minimum mess in the house. Here are what I consider to be the 3 golden rules of house training my puppy.

1. Love and patience

Puppies, like babies, need lots of love and patience as they start to learn their way around the world. When a puppy first comes into your home it is likely to be a traumatic time, even if you are very affectionate with him.

Remember that he has suddenly been taken away from his mother and siblings into a strange environment with people and maybe other animals that he does not know. He may have had a long car journey like nothing he has known before. His food may be new and unfamiliar. Your house may be colder, warmer, noisier, quieter or smell different than he is used to.

So when he first arrives he is likely to suffer from a little stress. Dogs, like humans, tend to suffer from digestive disorders when they are stressed. Keep this in mind and be very patient with him through the training.

2. Set a schedule

I found that house training my puppy in the fastest way meant setting a firm schedule. Feeding times need to be consistent from day to day. You will need to feed in the morning and evening at the same times every day and then give the puppy a chance to do the toilet outside afterward.

This is not always easy if you do not follow a regular schedule yourself - for example, if you are used to getting up later on weekends, or if you work shifts. But while you are house training a puppy it is vital. Dogs need boundaries and schedules both psychologically and physically. Your puppy will be house trained much faster if his digestive system has a schedule to follow.

3. Do not punish

There is no point in punishing or being angry with a puppy who has a toilet accident in the house. A puppy cannot understand that something as natural as doing his business could be bad, and they will just get scared if they are punished for it.

Instead, remind him in a loving way that the place for doing the toilet is outside. Don't take him outside right after the accident because that will reward the unwanted behavior. But take him out after he eats and be real pleased with him when he does his business outside at those times.

Of course, be sure to make going outside a fun and happy time as well, so that he associates going outside for the toilet with happiness. This was the best way for me when I was house training my puppy.

Friday 22 October 2010

Dog Training Secrets

It isn't very often that I come across something in the world of
dog training that truly impresses me, but recently I came across a
dog training guide that is simply outstanding.

Before telling you what it's about, I just want you to be clear on
what it is NOT.

It is NOT a guide to dog training that teaches you how to get your
dog to obey by hitting, scolding or abusing your dog.

It does NOT encourage you to punish or hurt your dog in any way.

Here's what it IS about...

You'll learn how to get your dog to WANT to please you and WANT to
be a good dog.

He'll learn:

- Where and when it is appropriate to bark
- To stop digging up your yard
- To stop chewing your furniture and clothes
- To stop being aggressive towards people and other dogs
- To stop whining, especially at night.
- To stop bolting out the front door
- To stop pulling on the leash
- To stop jumping up on strangers and other family members
- Potty training secrets, and a whole lot more!

And he'll learn how to do all of this using his natural dog
instincts (rather than human psychology).

You'll discover that mistakes that you are probably making, such as
giving your dog attention when he jumps up on you (eg petting, or
scolding) and others, are communicating the wrong message to your

You'll find out how you should communicate to your dog.

It's not your fault, most other dog owners make these same mistakes
and you'll be so impressed with the changes in your dogs behavior
once you read this essential book.

To find out more, go get your copy of Secrets to Dog Training - STOP Dog Behavior Problems

Friday 8 October 2010

Basic Dog Training: Teaching Your Dog To Come When Called - Part 2

The less distractions you have, the faster she will be to learn that these two events just did not happen by chance. So it is best to start training her in the house in a one-on-one situation when there is nobody else around. You can start out giving her praise and a treat, with nothing to interfere.

Once she learns that the command "come" or "come here" means she should come to you, you can start on her outdoor training. It will probably help if you have her on a long leash to begin with, as this will stop her wandering too far and not being able to hear you clearly.

When she has learned the skill thoroughly, you can stop giving her the treats. But never, ever  stop giving her praise. Even when she is 20 years old you should still praise her for coming to you when she is called.

And just to make sure you are in charge, only reward her for this when she comes to you when called, not for coming to you at other times.

Always remember that for most things, dogs have a relatively short attention span. So in order for the dog to remain interested the lessons need to be reasonably short.

And one final point to remember is your tone of voice. When we start out with our training we tend to use a stern or serious voice. This is not good as the dog may think you are angry before you start and become even more confused. This in turn can make the training stressful for her. So when you are beginning your basic dog training, please try and use your normal voice, at least most of the time.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Basic Dog Training: Teaching Your Dog To Come When Called - Part 1

One of the first dog training skills that most people would like to master with their new dog  is how to teach her to come when called. This is an important command for any dog owner, and being able to use it effectively is a huge benefit to both owner and dog.

A dog who is obedient and comes when called by her owner is more likely to stay out of trouble. You will be able to bring her to heel before she can frighten children, or stop her from getting into fights with other dogs. Or keep her from running onto the road and out of danger by the simple art of calling her to you at just the right time.

You would think that this most basic of dog training skills would be a very simple thing to teach your dog. However, there are many reasons why dogs, and especially puppies, do not want to leave whatever interesting thing they are doing when you call them. They love to explore and to check out all of the fascinating scents that they come across when they are taking a walk.

So, if you want your dog to come to you every time you call her, and not only when she has nothing better to do, you will need to offer her some kind of reward. Rewarding your dog for obeying your commands is common practice in dog training.

The rewards should take the form of praise, which should be given lavishly, and other forms of positive attention. And you should always have treats handy for her. When you first start your dog on basic training, you will want to keep distractions to a minimum so she can make the connection between coming to you when she is called and receiving a treat.

This ends Part 1 of teaching your dog to come to you when called. Concluding part will follow shortly.

Monday 4 October 2010

Crate Training Your Puppy Video 2

Thursday 30 September 2010

5 Easy Tips To Crate Training Your Dog

Dog crate training techniques can be an excellent way to raise your dog. More and more people are using crates to help the dog and the family get used to each other and to get the ground rules for behavior established inside the house.

However, the crate is not just for potty training. Many people have the wrong ideas about how to use a dog crate. They can often see it as a cage instead of the dog's own special den. You can crate train your dog or puppy very successfully by following these 5 easy tips.

1. Crate training your dog is for learning, not punishment

Some people think that putting your dog in a crate is some kind of punishment. It is not, and the crate should not be used this way. Instead, you should see it as a place for your dog to have some time of his own, a place to relax. Do not send the dog to the crate with angry words or impatient gestures. Lead him to it in an encouraging way and then spend some time with him, staying close to the crate while he is inside it at first.

2. The crate is like the dog's own room

Be sure to make the crate nice and homey for your dog. Put blankets, pillows and toys in there. But don't feed the dog in the crate or even just outside it. The crate should be associated with rest, not with mealtimes.

3. Be consistent

If you have decided to crate train your dog by giving him crate time when he becomes over excited and starts jumping on people,make sure you do it every time that he jumps. Do not let him jump on some people but not others. Many people will let their dog greet family members by jumping up at them when they come home, and then expect the dog to behave completely differently with guests. These different rules are much too complicated for a dog, and are in fact your fault for not being consistent.

4. Do not lock the dog in the crate when he is alone in the house

This is another mistake that many people make - they put the dog in the crate when they go to work,or to the shops, or whatever. Dogs are social animals and do not like being left alone so they are likely to be unhappy when you go out and leave them. If you put them in a crate at that time, they will begin to link being in the crate with being unhappy. They will not want to go into the crate because they know it means you might be about to leave. Remember, to successfully crate train your dog you will need to keep the crate a happy place.

5.Plan your dog's crate time

Another way to avoid making the crate a place of punishment is to have planned crate time during the day. You can think of this as like giving a child nap time. Your dog may not necessarily sleep but he should be quiet and resting. You should make this the same time every day, perhaps after a walk.

If the crate is used in the best way, you will find it is a great way to handle your dog. Crate training your dog will only mean maximum happiness for both the dog and the rest of the family.

Friday 24 September 2010

Crate Training For Your Puppy.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Cheap, But Quality, Dog Crates.

More and more people are beginning to see the plus side of crate training their dogs. What many used to consider to be cruel and unfair on the dog, they now come to see it can provide many benefits. For both the owner and the dog. And if you can get cheap dog cages, that are also quality dog cages, then that is even better.
You will also be amazed at how quickly your dog will adapt to it's own space. If you can suffer your dog crying and whining for a few nights then you will probably be over the worst. A week or two at the most, and you will wonder what all the fuss was about. And your dog will be grateful you persevered as well. You'll be really happy at how quickly he will treat it as his own piece of real estate.

Ways To Get Him To Use His Cage:

There are various ways to get your dog to enter his cage. You can place some of his toys inside. Or even leave an item of your clothing inside, which has a familiar and comforting smell. You can reward him for entering and staying in the cage, or even incorporate the cage as part of playtime. All of this has the intention of letting him explore and use the cage whilst making it all less intimidating. And try and make it lighthearted, not at all serious.

Some Plus Points Of A Good Cheap Dog Cage For The Home:
  • A divider panel ensures your dog has plenty of living room right from the start
  • Your cage should set up and fold down easily, with no tools required
  • A double door is a good option and helps with placement in the home
  • Safe and secure slide-bolt latches
  • An integrated and easy to clean plastic pan
Over the past few years, owners have begun to use dog cages, or crates as they are also known, more and more as a house training aid. Reputable breeders and trainers recommend them. And plenty of stores are selling them, with sizes and prices to suit all. But remember, there is no reason why cheap dog cages cannot be quality dog cages. You just need to know where to look.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Video: How To Crate Train Your Puppy.

Take a look at the following short video as a start to crate training your puppy.

Sunday 5 September 2010

Some Easy Puppy Training Tips

Puppies are so full of vim and vigor! You might just wonder if you will ever be able bring your puppy under control. But don't worry, puppy training isn't that difficult if you know what to do.

The first time you bring your new puppy home, he will be frightened and excited all at once by his new surroundings. And you'll want to pamper him and play so you can get to know each other. But please remember not to let your new friend chew or bite on your fingers, because if you let him do it now, it will only be harder to stop him doing it when he is older.

Here are some puppy training tips that might help you.

Many people like to start their puppy training with a dog crate. The reasoning here is that puppies will not willingly soil their immediate area. Bear in mind though that this method of house training is only really effective when the puppy is old enough to have control of it's bodily functions.

Another technique is to show your pup the door whenever he starts to sniff around. If you keep at this, you'll be surprised at how quick the penny will drop.

All puppies love a good chew so it's advisable to buy a few toys for chewing on while teething. Remember that dogs will respond better to rewards than they will to being punished. So if he starts to chew on your slippers, or ripping up cushions, stop him with a stern no. Take him to his designated area and give him one of his chewing toys. Praise him well when he starts to chew on this. This helps him to know what is his and what is off limits.

You should introduce your puppy to other dogs as soon as you can in order to prevent dog fights in the future. Training your puppy to socialize now will save a lot of frustration later on. Just remember to make sure that no one dog is allowed to be dominant. That is reserved for humans.

Some dogs are prone to barking and whining, and these habits can be hard to control. It would be really unfair to expect a dog never to bark, but it is possible to train him to bark only when it is appropriate.

So, when is it ok for a dog to bark?

1. When he is scared. People will scream or cry when scared so it is only natural a dog will bark.

2. He may bark a little when he is happy to see you.

3. When someone knocks on your door or enters your property. Praise and reward him for doing his job of guarding the home and family but don't allow the barking to continue. You may need to put him in another room or in his crate.

4. If there are other dogs in the neighborhood it is only natural they will want to communicate with each other. But that doesn't mean your puppy should be barking all through the night. If you are training your puppy to be an outside dog it may be necessary to put him in the garage at night.

Puppy training will be challenging but it will also be fun. You will find there will be times when your puppy will try your patience, and also test his limits. But as long as you remain calm and positive, your dog will pick up on your attitude towards training, and he too will start to look forward to having this time with you.

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Why So Many People Prefer A Life Stages Dog Crate.

Are you one of the many people who are looking to buy a Midwest Life Stages crate for your dog? It's not unusual for dog owners to look for these crates as they are a great asset to have for your dog's training. But you also want to find them at the best possible price, and hopefully I will help you to do that.

First thing first. Don't be afraid to have your dog use a dog crate. A lot of owners have a fear that it might be cruel to put their dog in a cage, but nothing could be further from the truth. Many breeders actually recommend the Midwest life stages crate as part of a dog's training. And when you see your dog treating the cage as home, you'll realise you made the right choice.

So what makes this such a popular crate with dog owners?

When you get a new puppy in the home, or even an older dog which you are re-homing, you are going to have to get them house trained. And you want this to go as smoothly as possible, right. So anything that can help you to do this would be great. This is just one way this dog crate can help you out. One of the many benefits of a Life Stages Dog Crate.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Life Stages Dog Crates

If you are looking to buy a Midwest Life Stages Dog Crate then you have come to the right place

There are many online stores selling these crates, but going through all these stores can be time consuming.

But I've had a look around and found some really good prices on

Click Here To Get Midwest Life Stages Dog Crates On Sale At
As you will already know, these crates are excellent for reducing the house breaking time of new puppies, or even for an adult dog who is starting over.

And the range of sizes that are available mean that there will be a Life Stages Dog Crate for YOUR canine friend. So get on over to and see their superb prices.

Here is a short video on training your puppy to use her crate!

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